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3-Pack/2-Pack Set


Oszczędzaj, kupując zestawy binderów i gaffów!

Nasze 2-paki i 3-paki są tańsze niż pojedyncze sztuki, a jednocześnie zapewniają różnorodność i wygodę. Więcej komfortu, stylu i oszczędności w jednym miejscu!

2-Pack Binder Set

2-Pack Binder Set
2-Pack Binder Set
Vendor: IGUANATREND | Product code: 381
2-Pack Binder Set

Our binders are designed to flatten the chest, making them perfect not only for transgender individuals but also for anyone seeking a flat-chested look. The 2-Pack offers a more economical purchase option, allowing you to buy two binders at a better price.

Dispatched within: 24 hours

Price: €62.32

2-Pack Gaff Set

2-Pack Gaff Set
2-Pack Gaff Set
Vendor: IGUANATREND | Product code: 383
2-Pack Gaff Set

Our "Gaff Set 2-Pack" is the perfect choice for transgender women who are looking for comfortable and aesthetically pleasing flattening underwear. The set includes two pairs of panties, which can be chosen from three available options, each providing exceptional quality and comfort. 

Dispatched within: 24 hours

Price: €51.77

3-Pack Binder Set

3-Pack Binder Set
3-Pack Binder Set
Vendor: IGUANATREND | Product code: 382
3-Pack Binder Set

Our binders are designed to flatten the chest, making them perfect not only for transgender individuals but also for anyone seeking a flat-chested look. The 3-Pack offers a more economical purchase option, allowing you to buy two binders at a better price.


Dispatched within: 24 hours

Price: €91.08

3-Pack Gaff Set

3-Pack Gaff Set
3-Pack Gaff Set
Vendor: IGUANATREND | Product code: 384
3-Pack Gaff Set

Our "Gaff Set 3-Pack" is the perfect choice for transgender women who are looking for comfortable and aesthetically pleasing flattening underwear. The set includes two pairs of panties, which can be chosen from three available options, each providing exceptional quality and comfort. Discover our models:

Dispatched within: 24 hours

Price: €77.90
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