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2-Pack Binder Set


Our 2-Pack Binder Set: Our binders are designed to flatten the chest, making them perfect not only for transgender individuals but also for anyone seeking a flat-chested look. The 2-Pack offers a more economical purchase option, allowing you to buy two binders at a better price.


What Does the Set Include? The binders in our 2-Pack are packaged together in a larger box, which also contains informational leaflets. When ordering our set, you have the option to choose the model, size, and color of each binder, meaning you can mix and match as you wish. For example, you can select a black sports model in size S and a beige basic model in size L.


Binder Models:

  • Sewn-in side zipper: Binders with a sewn-in side zipper are easy to put on and take off, making them an ideal choice for those who value convenience.
  • Middle sewn-in zipper: The model with middle sewn-in zipper, like the side zip binder, ensures ease of wearing and removal.
  • Strapless: Strapless binders are very discreet, invisible under clothes, providing peace and comfort daily.
  • Narrow Straps: Models with narrow straps are discreet and perfect under clothing with larger necklines.
  • Sport: Sport binders are designed with material that effectively wicks sweat from the body, making them ideal for hot summer days.
  • Basic: Basic models are chlorine-resistant, making them perfect for swimming in the sea or pool.
  • Open-back: Binders with a open-back are ideal under clothing with a deep back cut, while still providing full functionality.

How to Order Our 3-Pack Set?

  1. Choose the binder model
  2. Choose the size: From S to XL
  3. Choose the color: Black, beige, white
  4. Configure your set: You can mix models, sizes, and colors according to your preferences.


How to measure yourself? The easiest way to measure is with a tailor's tape measure (you can also use, for example, a string, which you then stretch on a long ruler). If you have such an opportunity, it's best to ask another person for help!

A — chest circumference: Measure yourself standing still, relaxed and naked (in the case of large, saggy breasts, it is best to put on a thin underwear) around the chest through its widest point. The tailor`s tape measure  should be close to the body along its entire length. It cannot be too tight or too loose. 

D — shoulder width across the back: This measurement is taken on the back of the body from the end of one shoulder to the other.

 Size chart



— Choose the right size for you that won’t cut off circulation;

— Binders should not be worn longer than 8 hours per day as it may cause distortion of the rib cage or put pressure on the spine;

— They cannot be worn to sleep;

— You can't work out in them;

— If you are at home, take it off so the body can rest;

— Wearing binder for extended periods of time without breaks can cause damage to the body.  


Shipping  / return / replacement:

Shipping: 1-3 business days.

Return: To return the product, please send it back along with the completed return form and the receipt to the address: Poland 43-384 Jaworze, Agrestowa 2. Using any method except for cash on delivery. Returns are only possible for European Union countries. THE RETURN APPLIES TO THE ENTIRE SET! NO POSSIBILITY OF RETURNING INDIVIDUAL ITEMS!

Replacement: Please write your full name, phone number, order number, and specify the model/color/size for the exchange on a piece of paper. Enclose 5 € for return shipping and the product. Then send the package to the address: Poland 43-384 Jaworze, Agrestowa 2. Using any method except for cash on delivery. Replacement are only possible for European Union countries.


Instructional video:

Click on the image to watch the video.

 How to correctly put on and take off a binder?


"Iguanatrend binders are your second skin.

Our goal is a perfect fit and comfort every day."

~ Gabriela Wełniak



IGUANATREND — Gabriela Wełniak
ul. Agrestowa 2
43-384 Jaworze, Polska

Responsible person in the EU

IGUANATREND — Gabriela Wełniak
ul. Agrestowa 2
43-384 Jaworze, Polska

Certificates and safety warnings

  • Binder nie powinien Cię za mocno uciskać. Ważne, abyś mógł swobodnie oddychać. Zbyt ciasny binder może powodować różne problemy, takie jak obtarcia skóry, ból czy nawet trudności z oddychaniem. Dlatego warto wybrać rozmiar, który dobrze dopasuje się do ciała, ale nie ogranicza ruchów.
  • Nie noś bindera dłużej niż 8 godzin dziennie, ponieważ może to prowadzić do bólu, np. pleców lub klatki piersiowej. Słuchaj swojego ciała – jeśli zaczynasz czuć dyskomfort, zdejmij binder, nawet jeśli nie minęło 8 godzin. Dbaj o swoje zdrowie i unikaj przeciążenia.
  • Gdy jesteś w domu, zdejmij binder, aby Twoje ciało mogło odpocząć. Po zdjęciu warto się trochę porozciągać, żeby rozluźnić mięśnie i poprawić krążenie. To pomoże Twojemu organizmowi się zregenerować po całym dniu.
  • Spanie w binderze jest bardzo niebezpieczne. Może to powodować problemy ze snem i ograniczać możliwość pełnego oddychania, co jest kluczowe dla regeneracji organizmu w nocy. Podczas snu nasze ciało musi mieć pełną swobodę, aby prawidłowo funkcjonować.
  • Binder nie jest przeznaczony do aktywności fizycznej. Intensywne ćwiczenia mogą zwiększać ryzyko problemów z oddychaniem czy kręgosłupem, gdy masz na sobie spłaszczak. Jeśli jednak musisz ćwiczyć, wybierz binder o większym rozmiarze, żeby był luźniejszy i mniej uciskał. Unikaj noszenia go podczas bardzo intensywnych treningów.

Shipping costs The price does not include any possible payment costs

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2-Pack Binder Set

Vendor: IGUANATREND | Product code: 381
Item in stock
Dispatched within: 24 hours
Delivery: The price does not include any possible payment costs
Sewn-in Side Zipper
Middle Sewn-in Zipper
Narrow Straps
Sewn-in Side Zipper
Middle Sewn-in Zipper
Narrow Straps
* Field mandatory
€62.32 62.32
quantity pcs.

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